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Monday, January 3, 2011

Hamlett Dobbins

I chose this piece as my favorite because of Hamlett's use of words and filling the full two pages.  The dragon has very careful detail and has many colors to shade it.  The pilot steering the dragon is also very detailed.  I think what drew my attention to this piece most was the words.  The words I don't fully understand but I think would have been thought out.  Irony means words that are the opposite of the literal meaning of something else.  So this leads me to believe that "to be whipped without a hint of irony) means that there is no opposition to it.

A question that I would like to ask Hamlett is when a person is looking at his work what kind of mesage does he want to send to his viewers and why.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lili, it's tough to read but it says "to be whispered without a hint of irony" i hope this helps with the story.
